Once there were a place could dragonville it was at the china’s border and There was a fortress made of steel and it was A hero’s masters fortress once there was a hero called Raizo, he was the highest fighter in the whole world then he went to dragonville at morning where all the ninja are and his family is, then when niner and his army came he got out his sword then the niners army came then they were in battle to vs niner and his army. Then they were defeated, then the master of dragonville, gave Raizo the power of him then he was dead then Raizo’s father was the master of dragonville now but when he was old master died he gave the power,it was very strong and powerful when dragonville was made in 2066 and I was born in 2067 and now it 2088 but when I was young I was a the highest fighter in dragonville but when I was the highest ninja fighter, but my master who teach me was the master of Dragonville and when he gave his power I was very strong and powerful and there were swords,spear, but Raizo he wears ninja,uniform with a mask he only had one brother and mother and father he felt really bad when Niner.Yesterday they were scared that niner will come again to destroy dragonville,but Raizo and his army will come to them and destroy him so that they won't destroy dragonville when they were ready to go to the niners place but we needed to train them in 10 days when the training is done we will fight Niner and his army.but when he was in his outside he said to the ninjas to go and ask the samurai at tigerville to come to battle then the master said yes and then they came with their army. Then Niner was making a huge army but when Raizo, was training his ninja, in day 1 they were getting stronger and stronger and raizo, said to his brother caddo to train the samurai then at night the tigerville master of samurai’s where having chinese food for dinner. The next day the ninja’s,the ninjas and the samurai’s were using spears and samurai swords too but ninja only use swords and it is day six now then when niner and his huge army were making a larger army but my army was only 50,000 ninja’s and the samurai was only 30,000 and it is 80,000 but niner had 90,000 armies and we are out of numbered but he will do an ambush 40,000 will go with caddo, the other will go with Raizo, but tomorrow we will defeat them, but when we were ready, Raizo had a vision that today they will 115,000 of them and we have to bring some ninjas Caddo said, I now. Rizo and his brother are got to get` 20,000 ninjas and there are now 100,000 and tigervilles master were training with Raizo draw out their wooden sword and master of tigerville said to rizo bring it on. Raizo, said ok then, then they draw their swords out then they were fighting and using until Raizo, won then, it was the day to defeat niner and his 115,000 army. then the ninjas were filled with excited to fight but it was day 9, then Raizo did his powers with the the targets.First he use the his blue laser,earth,fire. He was the man at his master's powers.Then it was time to go defeat niner, Raizo put his iron armor on and his sword then they got their spears and their swords and their armor, I was ready for battle,He was leading them into battle. He wasn't scared of them and Caddo wasn’t too scared of them well niner was at the lightning tornado in the field they both came to the middle of the field and then Raizo, said to niner you aren't gonna destroy dragonville niner then niner, said I must do it or we will be mortal but if he destroy he will be very powerful. They went back to their armies then he sent tigerville spear men and mine.then they went to fight then they went into battle,he controlled the lighting tornado and put to their,then when they got their fortress they brought their huge eagles but I brought my huge dragons. They are very powerful.their energy is very powerful, they hate niner mostly they were living in caves mostly the others are guarding the fortress so that no one in niners armies allowed or people only that have now we have a powerful dragon he is huge and powerful then any dragon his name is kili we brought 5 of them but it is for the ambush and at dragonville is 145,000 troops and they are guarding dragonville and the ninjas need help then the warrior came to fight with them all and then Raizo comes to help his army to kill this warrior, but he was niners personal trainer and he was not like me and he wants revenge and Raizo wants to defeat him and when he is dead he will overtake niner.Then he fights in battle then once I was going past the war that we were,in the I was In Niners hideout then I,Found him then,he was trying to escape from his own fortress then,I throw my dagger at him then he fell to the ground then his personal trainer felt like he heard his master died the he came in the in the hideout then I battled him as a challenge then we fight as foes then I had to throw my dagger at him the he fell Down then I saw his face and he was my best friend named sako then he died and I never knew that he was him then I went outside then we had victory then we marched from our victory then my home and the land had been saved by the person named,was the warrior of dragonville as his name was Raizo.
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